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Poetry:  A Valentine's Message

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A Valentine’s Message


It’s that time of year,

For loved ones, drawn near,


It’s that phase of life,

Without quarrel, without strife,


It’s that single day,

In February,


When the flowers are sent,

Broken hearts, soon to mend,


The young, the old,

Have hands to unfold,


They hold the valentine,

Inside their names signed,


It’s opening joyous, purest intent,

No matter the words the message is sent,


They are simple to say,

But sometimes hard to display,


An "I" starts the phrase,

That describes this grand phase,


It ends with a "you",

The phase now includes two,


So far its not much,

Few emotions are touched,


But the word in the center,

Could warm even a winter,


The word is "Love", of course,

The valentine’s sender its source,


Now all put together, it sounds so much better,

"I Love You", implied, to last forever, and ever,


So remember, no matter the inscription,

A valentine’s meaning, is but, a simple mission,


It breaks life’s silence, with an all important phrase,

"I will love you forever, beyond even the bounds of my days."