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Poetry:  Love is Not the Brilliants Foray

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Love is Not the Brilliants Foray


Love is not the brilliants foray,

Beyond what even scholars say,


To those who fear it, cower, delay,

Shall not have beating hearts stayed,


Those of the open, cheerful, excited,

Suffer worst, when love is blighted,


Who, then, controls this emotion?

Known as a force, or a foolish notion,


The answer it seems, though unproven,

Is the one whose logic has since stopped moving,


How is this change, ever percepted?

Is it only to those with sanity rejected?


Though many might state the inverse of this trait,

They may also be those, already lost to this fate,


Their logic contorted, dignity lost,

Their goals and dreams may become the cost,


They do not deny their lives, or their change,

They do not notice the battle’s rage,


They battle is illusory, living inside,

Only lost when the love has died,


Can it be won, and sense restored?

Or shall thoughts ship never again be moored?


The answer is simple, a mere yes or no,

But through loves clouded vision, the truth will seldom show.